Saturday, April 5, 2008


Waiting to go to the airport.
Packed and ready.
Jon dozes on the couch, breathing softly.
I, not quite believing that sunny skies and white sands are only about... 12 hours away. Maybe less.
Knot in stomach from pre-flight anxiety, but excited all the same...!
(We are bringing one computer, though I had my doubts about such a thing, not wanting any gadgets to distract me from the Now. Mainly to supplement whatever soppy in-flight movie they show us. And of course, 2 cameras travel with us also. Ha! But I refuse, categorically refuse, to snap pictures all through my brother's wedding ceremony. It drives me crazy when people do that. So anyway, the long and the short of it is that I may be able to post from Down There, and even put up some photos, at long last. Just none of me in a bathing suit, ok?)
See ya in Mexico!

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